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National History


On a quiet December evening in 1904 in Charleston, S.C., three friends—Andrew Kroeg, Simon Fogarty and Harry Mixson—made a choice to lead. Those three men chose to start their own fraternity. The three grew to seven; seven grew to eight; eight grew to 11. From the College of Charleston, they spread to nearby Presbyterian in 1907—and then to California in 1909. In just over four years, Pi Kappa Phi had become a truly national fraternity. Over the course of a century, a fraternity with humble beginnings has grown into a brotherhood of more than 120,000 strong.


For more information about national history, visit the national website.

The Non-Fraternity


Our founding was certainly not without setbacks. In fact, Pi Kappa Phi was originally founded as Nu Phi, which stood for “non-fraternity.” Our founders, disillusioned with campus politics being run exclusively by fraternities, created Nu Phi as a means to attain leadership roles within the Chrestomathic Literary Society. However, the attempt to seize control of the Society was thwarted when some of the Nu Phis proved to be disloyal. The loyal Nu Phis regrouped, and on the evening of December 10, 1904, the seven remaining men created a new group—to be known as Pi Kappa Phi.

To this day, Pi Kappa Phi embraces its Nu Phi heritage. It manifests itself in various way and emboldens us as Pi Kappa Phis to confront issues with fresh, new approaches.

Beta Epsilon Chapter History


The Beta Epsilon Chapter was first established on the University of Missouri campus in 1949, but was rechartered in 2019. 55 undergraduate students took it upon themselves to redevelop the Beta Epsilon chapter, and upon rechartering, became Founding Fathers. Since the rechartering, Beta Epsilon has continued to grow. As of Spring 2021, Beta Epsilon will have around 100 active members, and we hope to continue growing and diversifying on the University of Missouri campus. Currently, the chapter house is located at 110 East Stewart Road, formerly the house of Kappa Sigma.




Keep in touch with the Beta Epsilon Chapter by following our brotherhood on social media.


Check out our newsletter, The Beta Epsilon Bell, for updates each semester.


For more information on the Pi Kappa Phi National Fraternity, visit the national website.


Current brothers looking for chapter resources should visit the resources page.


Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Beta Epsilon Chapter

110 East Stewart Road

Columbia, MO 65203


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© Pi Kappa Phi - Beta Epsilon Chapter 

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